Home»Blog»Japanese girls - why they become escorts in London?


Anyone familiar with Japan knows that it is a very traditional country. Strict rules govern the lifestyle and behavior of adult men and women. Women and life are strictly defined by gender roles. Although the government has actively been involved in encouraging the admission of more women into the work force, many still feel shortchanged.

Young Japanese women move to London with the hopes of a brighter future. Some go to further their studies and most go in search of better employment opportunities. Life in London is costly without a source of income; as it is difficult to find gainful employment so, they join an escort agency even as they further their studies.

Surprisingly, life as a London escort proves to be very fruitful. London has a lot to offer in terms of wealth and pleasure. The same can be said about some of the men they encounter who treat them with respect and pay them well. Most London men are attracted to Asian escorts' porcelain complexion and distinct accent. They also admire their submissive nature, which is uncommon in native London women.

Being a London escort means that you can create a profile stating the services you offer, the rates you charge. The fact that an escort will set her own price be her own boss, and multi task with other vital activities in her life, means that most Japanese girls can't resist the urge to enter into this lucrative market.

Unlike Japan where women are expected to be polite, modest and docile, London gives its women freedom to be who they want to be. They can dress as they please and women generally are encouraged to explore their sexuality.

Casual hookups are not frowned upon in London as they are in Japan. The Japanese society harshly condemns women who are discovered to engage in pre-marital sexual dalliances. Many of these young women have found freedom and anonymity in London and this may one of the reasons why they value their work. Simply put, they are not labeled or judged. They can take participate in social activities like any other woman. Furthermore, the hours as an escort can be quite flexible and this gives them time to explore their interests and hobbies. Maybe attend classes or get a part-time job.

Their lifestyles are comfortable, if not luxurious. This of course depends on the clientele one is dealing with. They live in well-maintained apartments- not necessarily posh, drive nice cars, eat in nice restaurants and visit the best shopping stores. London has a very vibrant nightlife; there is never a shortage of men who would like to cap off the day with a drink and a sexy Japanese woman by their side.

This means that there is a constant demand for escort services, and thus constant inflow of income for these Japanese women; Income they would perhaps not have made had they remained in Japan.

It therefore comes as no surprise that women coming to London from Japan become escorts and fall in love with the trade. They gain freedom, exposure, source of income, and also get to pursue their other life goals like getting an education. They basically live their dream here in London!

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